PCI 7 November 2023, 15:44
Owen Mumford 12 January 2022, 17:40

Current Edition

The « Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg » and the « Oncology Center Bydgoszcz » are joining the MONCODANEUM initiative

OncoDNA SA announced today that two new cancer centers, the « Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg » based in France and the « Oncology Center Bydgoszcz » based in Poland, have decided to join the Moncodaneum initiative. They will join the SOLTI group on the OncoKDM platform.
These institutes were chosen because they are recognized in their country as leaders in cancer care.
Based in the capital of Europe, the “Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg” are one of the best medical care centres for cancer patients in Europe. The new IRC (Institut Regional du Cancer), created by the fusion of the CHU of Strasbourg with the « Centre de Lutte contre le Cancer Paul Strauss », is quickly becoming a reference centre in the fight against cancer.
Bydgoszcz’s Oncology Centre is one of the most trusted cancer centres in Poland. Its vision is to provide modern standards of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer associated while continuously striving to improve the quality of health services.
Four other major cancer centers from Norway, Netherlands, Spain and Belgium are also in the final stage of negotiation.
Moncodaneum is a project that will concern more than 50 centres within 30 countries where OncoDNA will provide biologists and clinicians with a standardised, robust and very comprehensive report to fulfil their needs.
Moncodaneum answers the increasing complexity of the modern oncology by allowing the integration and interpretation of data provided by several technologies in a record time. The clinicians have to analyse complex data coming from a lot of different sources, in different formats and needs to make decisions about treatment within very short time frames.
Thanks to its expertise in cancer, OncoDNA has developed a unique solution, called OncoKDM, to gather and interpret data from any technology (as well NGS technologies as IHCs, RT-Q-PCR, etc), of any type (DNA, RNA, Proteins, ctDNA) related to solid cancers in order to build a very comprehensive report while respecting clinical turnaround time requirements and answering clinical utility expectations.