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Owen Mumford 12 January 2022, 17:40

Current Edition

PCI Clinical Services to Showcase Expertise in Phase I Clinical Trials in Australia

Philadelphia, USA – December 3, 2018 PCI Pharma Services (PCI), full-service provider of specialist outsourced drug manufacturing, clinical trial services, and commercial packaging to the global biopharmaceutical industry, will showcase its expertise in Phase I Clinical Trials in Australia with a series of West Coast US seminars in January 2019.
January 15, San Diego, CA
(San Diego Marriott, 4pm-9pm)
January 16, San Francisco, CA
(Double Tree by Hilton, 4pm-9pm)
January 17, Seattle, WA
(Courtyard Seattle Downtown, 4pm-9pm)
Over the last 20 years, Australia has become established as a preferred destination for the conduct of early phase Clinical Trials by virtue of significant economic advantages, speed-to-study advantages, as well as favourable regulatory pathways. The proven excellence and performance of the country’s Clinical Trial institutions are supported by a highly favorable regulatory and business environment. The Australian Government’s commitment to the Clinical Trial sector is demonstrable, with significant incentives to help ensure success for early phase studies.
Within the Asia-Pacific region, Australia is now one of the more mature markets for conducting Clinical Trials, with more than AUD$1 billion sector investment for research and development[1]. Phase I Clinical Trial activity in Australia saw a 17.2 per cent growth in 2012-2015, compared with just 1.8 per cent globally2.
The three West Coast seminars will be hosted by PCI in partnership with Nucleus Network and Prime Financial Group AU.
Nucleus Network is Australia’s industry-leading contract research organization specialising in the conduct of First-in-Human, Phase I Clinical Trials. Prime Financial Group provides accounting and business advisory services, offering significant experience in R&D financing and incentives for life sciences companies.
At each of the three events, Cameron Johnson, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Nucleus Network, will discuss ‘Phase I Clinical Trials in Australia’, covering trial set-up and design to support applications and facilitate rapid approval.
During his presentation, Brendan Brown, Partner at Prime Accounting and Business Advisory Services, will explore ‘The Cost of your Trial in Australia’. He will take a specific focus on eligibility requirements for Australia’s attractive R&D tax incentive program.
PCI’s Craig Rogers, SVP Asia Pacific region, will provide an overview of the regulatory and investigational product management requirements for Phase 1 studies in Australia. Craig will give up-to-date information on the regulatory framework, comparing Australian requirements with those of the EU and US markets. Craig will also set out the various options available for investigational product management, including importing, just in time manufacture and GMP requirements for Phase I labeling.
“Australia has established a significant presence in the global Clinical Trials sector over the past 20 years as a preferred destination for companies undertaking Phase I studies. This trend has been exemplified by the number of West Coast US pharma names which have identified the specific advantages of the region. PCI is delighted to partner with Nucelus Network and Prime for these seminars to share our respective experience and expertise,” commented Craig.
Earlier this year, PCI acquired Melbourne-based Pharmaceutical Packaging Professionals (PPP), which enabled the global pharmaceutical provider to provide a wide range of services in early phase Clinical sterile and non-sterile drug manufacture as well as establishing a PCI depot in Australia to serve the Asia Pacific market. Logistical services at PCI’s Melbourne facility include storage capability across a range of temperature conditions including Controlled Room Temperature, 2-8?C, -20?C, and -80?C environments, which expand PCI’s existing capabilities in storing, packaging, and shipping Cold Chain products.