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Insulated packaging pioneers

Woolcool® was launched in 2008 and offers superior insulated packaging for the transportation of temperature-sensitive goods using the extraordinary properties of 100% sheep’s wool.

As two-time Queen’s Award winners, Woolcool® provide market-leading temperature-controlled packaging, which relies on expertly balancing conditions inside and outside of our products – whether that’s an insulated box or a smaller package, using the remarkable insulation properties of 100% sheep’s wool.

That means making sure each insulated box or package is created to strike the right balance in terms of its constituent parts, from the liner to the outer packaging and the ice packs inside. But, as a business, we also strive to find balance in so many other ways. We try our best to ensure our team enjoys a healthy work-life balance. As a certified B-Corp, we work to ensure that we balance the need to make a profit as a business with the impact of what we do on the community, wider society and the planet. And crucially, as a business founded on a sustainable ethos, we always consider the ecological impact of our work, from broader business principles to each individual insulated box or packaging option we create for our clients and partners.

When it comes to materials, balance is everything. As the founder of the Natural Materials Association, we are passionate advocates of finding better ways to use the materials created by Mother Nature. 100% sheep’s wool is a great example of a natural material that outperforms manmade equivalents such as polystyrene. Wool is natural, recyclable, compostable, biodegradable, renewable, reusable and abundant. It is lighter and takes up less space than manmade insulators, and so has a smaller carbon footprint and so cuts supply chain transport costs.

Yet, despite the scientifically proven properties of wool, we still take a balanced approach when we design each insulated box or packaging solution around our wool insulation liners. That means considering the amount of cardboard, the thickness and strength of the outer packaging and the ice packs inside each insulated box, along with the separators needed to protect the contents. Extra consideration has to be given to the use of plastics or glass – the balance to be struck between the ecological credential of the packaging solution and its efficiency.

So, whatever your needs, we have the expertise to advise and help you make the decisions that strike the right balance. Our mantra is and will always be, the right materials, for the right application, fully researched from beginning to end of life.


Units 1a + 1b Tungsten Park, Opal Way,

Stone, Staffordshire ST15 0NN

01785 262030