PCI 7 November 2023, 15:44
Owen Mumford 12 January 2022, 17:40

Current Edition

Workshop on “Continuous Manufacturing: L. B. Bohle invites experts to a three-day symposium

40 pharmaceutical experts from all over the world test the processes of the future in the Technology Center

  • Special machine builder L.B. Bohle Maschinen + Verfahren GmbH is setting its sights on continuous manufacturing
  • Technology Center offers potential for developing and testing individual processes and procedures
Participants at the workshop in front of the production unit QbCon

40 experts from the pharmaceutical industry, research institutes and authorities stopped by to visit the workshop in Ennigerloh: L.B. Bohle Maschinen + Verfahren GmbH has invited experts to the symposium “Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing”, to demonstrate the processes of the future.
”In the area of continuous manufacturing, we are the technological leader in the pharmaceutical industry together with our partners from industry and academia,” says CEO Tim Remmert. “For pharmaceutical manufacturers continuous manufacturing means shorter time to market, more flexible production even of smaller batches and highest precision and quality due to comprehensive process monitoring and control,” states Thorsten Wesselmann, Technical Director. “Thus, the pharmaceutical industry can save both time and money”.
The “point of no return” has already been passed
Tim Remmert is convinced: “There is a huge interest in continuous manufacturing.” Experts all over the world no longer wonder whether, but when the breakthrough will come. “It is the same as with e-mobility. But everybody in the industry knows: The <point of no return> has already been passed”. At the same time, we all have to be aware that perseverance is required due to the long-term planning of new production plants”.
L.B. Bohle has now combined all activities surrounding continuous manufacturing under a new product name. “QbCon stands for Quality by Continuous Manufacturing,” explains Dr. Robin Meier, Manager Scientific Operations, to the participants from Asia, Europe, South and North America.
Continuous manufacturing – the basis for success

Andreas Altmeyer, Head of Service Centre, explains the Coater KOCO25

The three-day symposium focuses on the Technology Center. Since March 2015 L.B. Bohle has been offering an open platform for the development of innovative processes of continuous manufacturing. Customers, scientists and cooperation partners from all over the world draw on the unique system for experimental and testing purposes.
“Permanent and process-overlapping measurement, monitoring and production control are the key to success in continuous manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry,” explains Thorsten Wesselmann. In addition to the innovative processes, Dr. Robin Meier and Thorsten Wesselmann demonstrate the interaction of different process machines. “We see ourselves as solution partners for the entire process.”