PCI 7 November 2023, 15:44
Owen Mumford 12 January 2022, 17:40

Current Edition

Exhibitors count down the days to Lab Innovations 2017

It’s less than a week before Lab Innovations 2017 begins, and preparations are in full swing as the NEC Birmingham gets ready to open its doors and welcome over 130 exhibitors showcasing the latest analytical, biotech and laboratory products. Now in its sixth year, this popular and free to attend exhibition has established itself as a must-attend event in the scientific calendar, and continues to draw some of the biggest names in the industry.
First time exhibitor Thermo Fisher Scientific will be at Stand B4, with a range of featured product demonstrations and experts on hand to help with production and analytical challenges. Visitors to the stand will have the opportunity to see the Dionex™ Integrion™ HPIC™ system and the new ISQ™ EC Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, alongside rheometers and FTIR and Raman spectrometers. In addition, the company is contributing to the Live Lab on Wednesday the 1st of November, demonstrating its TruScan™ RM Handheld Raman Analyzer, which delivers reliable material identity verification through sealed packaging in seconds – an essential tool for pharmaceutical and biotechnology manufacturers.
Shimadzu will also be present at Lab Innovations, with an array of precision analytical systems serving a range of laboratory needs from liquid chromatography to spectroscopy. The recently released Nexis GC gas chromatography system will be on display, providing a great opportunity to see the instrument up-close and in person. Visit Stand C7 to discover how Shimadzu can benefit your laboratory.
It’s simple to register for your free ticket. Visit www.easyfairs.com/lab-innovations-2017.