PCI 7 November 2023, 15:44
Owen Mumford 12 January 2022, 17:40

Current Edition

New DPI Data Insights Shaping Future of Global Healthcare Needs

Innovative inhalation therapies and drug delivery are legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic, as pharma and biopharma formulators address growing demands for new healthcare solutions. Lactose-based dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations are the most significant form of inhaled treatment for respiratory conditions such as COPD and asthma. Now, they are also being used to treat COVID-19, leading to an increase in demand for lactose-based excipients. Harry Peters at DFE Pharma describes a multidisciplinary study that aims to help manufacturers save time and money in the development process by testing various formulations of magnesium stearate-coated lactose in the blending and filling process.


‘New DPI Data Insights Shaping Future of Global Healthcare Needs’

Innovative inhalation therapies and drug delivery are legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic, as pharma and biopharma formulators address growing demands for new healthcare solutions.

Lactose-based dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations are the most significant form of inhaled treatment for respiratory conditions such as COPD and asthma. Now, they also being used to treat COVID-19, leading to an increase in demand for lactose-based excipients.

Most DPI formulations consist of a micronized active ingredient blended with larger excipient particles, which enhance flow, reduce aggregation and aid in dispersion.

However, the complexity of the formulations required means it can be difficult to understand the impact of individual compounds on the final results.

A multidisciplinary study by DFE Pharma, Hosokawa Micron and Harro Höfliger aims to help manufacturers save time and money in the development process by testing various formulations of magnesium stearate-coated lactose in the blending and filling process.

This ‘magic triangle’ collaboration, linking global expertise, is part of the new global approach shaping new theories and data to address global healthcare needs.

Formulation specialist DFE Pharma provided different qualities and concentrations of fine lactose to powder processing technology manufacturer Hosokawa Micron.

Blending these fine lactose samples without the addition of magnesium stearate establishes baseline levels. Coating different lactose particles with magnesium allows comparison.

The multidisciplinary research extends the findings of previous studies to explore the influence of the different qualities and concentrations of graded powders on the capsule-filling and dosing process.

Its next phase includes the addition of an active ingredient.

By sharing their data-driven insights, the research team is helping generic players stay ahead of the curve and tap into the growing DPI market.

Click the download button below to read the complete version of ‘New DPI Data Insights Shaping Future of Global Healthcare Needs’ by Harry Peters at DFE Pharma