PCI 7 November 2023, 15:44
Owen Mumford 12 January 2022, 17:40

Current Edition

Robotic platform R-One launched by Robocath

The solution allows a cardiologist to perform coronary angioplasties using an integrated control command unit.

Robocath – a company that focuses on robotic solutions for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases – has announced the launch of its most recent robotic platform.

The R-One+ will be demonstrated during the EuroPCR conference in Paris this week. The robotic solution provides the opportunity for an interventional cardiologist to perform coronary angioplasties by controlling devices using an integrated control command unit.

This unit is situated in the control room and delivers two main benefits: firstly, the system protects the cardiologist and wider medical team from radiation-induced injuries. Secondly, the R-One+ makes the procedure safer. Furthermore, cardiologists will be able to perform enhanced hand gestures with greater precision.

Lucien Goffart, chief executive officer at Robocath, reflected: “The launch of R-One+ shows what our company is all about – that is, listening to our users’ needs and fostering exceptional partnerships between our different units in order to produce the best possible results for physicians.”

He added: “I would like to thank the medical community for giving their time so willingly and for their excellent advice. I would also like to thank all our staff who have worked so hard to launch this new robotic platform and, in doing so, taken us one step further on our roadmap to greater commercial success.”

Dr Mohammed Nejjari, an interventional cardiologist at the Centre Cardiologique du Nord, explained: “For the first time, I was able to perform several robotic angioplasties from the comfort of my chair in the control room, where I was completely shielded from X-rays and could dispense with my lead apron. I also benefited from the excellent visibility on the radioscopy and haemodynamic monitoring screens.”

He concluded: “This new set-up has changed the way we organise our procedures and has given nursing staff the opportunity to develop new skills. This new approach has also enabled doctors to shift their focus back to their core activities and to perform procedures in complete safety and with millimetre precision.”